Tuesday, August 6, 2013

HOLY CRAP! How my generation ruined America's future

Now that I got your attention, I know that many of you are automatically disagreeing with me. However, I am going to point out a few harsh truths to support my argument. There seems to be a "dummy-ing" down of America's youth, and the parents (those who are my peers) appear to be at ease with this.

I have always been one who marched to the tune of my own drummer, and not one to follow the crowd. I had a spirit of individuality that was reinforced by my parents. They taught me to work hard for everything, and to have integrity, I in turn passed these same values to my own children. I was never one out to seek the popularity contest with my kids, nor was I interested in being their friend. That was not in the job profile under mother. 

My fellow former classmates have decided however that this "friendship" was integral to child rearing. What it has seemed to produce is an entire generation of kids who cannot distinguish an adult from their peer. When I was growing up, adults were "Mr. So-and-So" or "Mrs. So-and-So". Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought to call one of my friends' parents by their first name. I had to teach my daughter's friends that I was NOT Christine to them, or CeCe, that was reserved for their parents, to them I was Mrs Benjamin. One parent actually called me to tell me I was wrong to correct her child, and that she encouraged her kids to be "buds" with her friends. Needless to say we differed in our parenting approach, and the outcome of her kids will be posted at the end of the blog. 

Growing up my parents gave me chores and I was required to have a job on top of those chores. I was expected to maintain my grades and have a job, because they were preparing me for life. Fortunately, my job was a flexible one; babysitting! Back then I didn't see the point with the exception of the extra cash that was in my pocket at the end of the week. I did everything from babysitting, to life guarding, being a waitress and even delivering newspapers, either way, I had a hustle. These jobs paid for my new shoes, designer jeans, and Lord help me as I date myself; records or tapes. Today's youth don't seem to have this same demand placed on them. I hear too many parents say; "It's too much with all that they have to do already!" What? Now they aren't capable of doing what generations before them could? Have the children we bore come out more fragile then us?

Then we go to the actual education of these young minds, today we have more work for them to do with less information going in. A feat that I am still trying to figure out, yet there are actual graduates of prominent high schools that cannot answer the simplest of questions. Recently one night I was watching a documentary, and the interviewer asked college students a few questions. Nothing too difficult, like how do you split an atom? Below is the actual exchange that left me speechless.

Interviewer: "Why do we celebrate the 4th of July?"
College student 1: "To mark the end of World War I and II."

Interviewer: "Who did America claim its' independence from?"
College Student 2: "Easy, France."
College Student 3: "Germany?"
College Student 4: "The British..." (ahh finally there is hope!)"..Columbia, yeah British Columbia." (Damn, I breathed too soon)

This is a result of our allowing civics and basic social studies courses to have been removed from the curriculum.  We didn't stop there, we allowed schools to eliminate Penmanship, learning to write in script, Music, Arts, and Phys Ed every semester. Perhaps this is because we fail to realize the importance of these courses, but that have an important role to play in developing brains. When a child is given paper, crayons, odds and ends and told have at it, the child looks perplexed. This is because we have removed the engaging part of their brain that evolves to be the problem solver, because rather to let them be, we show them what to do step-by-step. Eliminating the need to think for themselves, instead we insist that they conform. 

Worse still, we have removed competition. We have games where there is no score being kept, evidently in the new Utopian world my peers are dreaming up competition is a bad thing. I do not know why we have deviated so far from the path. Our parents did not raise a bunch of self indulgent, instant gratifying individuals, yet somehow, we thought (not all but many of us) that this was a better way to be. I say NO MORE. 

 There is plenty of time in the future when we grow old to become our children's friend, but until these people are out on their own, we have a job to do. Make certain they are educated, can sustain a life for them selves apart from us, and to think for themselves. This will not happen if we don't use the basics. I may not have all the answers, but so far my kids are turning out pretty damn well. 

I believe this parenting job outstretches the four walls of the house. So here are my suggestions to helping raise a better child. Pay attention, some of you may recognize your own parents in this advice.

To begin with, remember education begins at home, so start with reading to your kids from the moment you bring them home from the hospital. Books and reading should not be kryptonite to your kids. This is where their imagination is given its' first spark. They have to envision the scenes.

Enough with trying to be their buddies, that is what their peers are for. Your mom and dad weren't cool when you were a kid, and your kids don't necessarily want you to hang with them. It is okay to tell them NO! I assure you following the tantrum if thrown, they will recover, even more they will be grateful for the rules.

Have expectations for your children. They need to learn to set goals and more importantly, they need to learn how to achieve them. If you expect nothing, guess what, you get nothing. If you expect and demand the best, they might surprise you and exceed your expectations. Now this does not mean to become Joan Crawford on them, but encourage them when you tell them what you expect of them. Let them know you are well aware that they are smart and capable of achieving anything, as long as they set their mind to it.

The most important is expect to fail! Try as we may we will mess up, that is okay. It does not mean that we owe them the keys to the city because we messed up. Step back, assess the damage, and go back to the basics. That means give them curfews, punish when warranted, take away the car keys, iPhone, tablet or whatever. Remind them that YOU are the parent and are on the job 24 hours a day for life, therefore you get to make the rules. 

In my home my kids can't even turn on the television without permission. A friend asked me how did I do that? As if it were a parlor trick, that is when I noted that I had expected my kids to follow rules, while she did not. Earlier, I said I would tell you of what happened to the woman that called me about telling her daughter not to call me by my first name. Well, while my daughter graduated and went on to a competitive university to continue her education, her daughter is hanging out at home, without a job or a high school diploma. There was no reason her child couldn't have succeeded. She had a two parent home, access to the best of everything, but she was never told no and nothing was ever expected of her. I don't say that could have been my kid, because I would not allow it to be, and upon giving it some serious thought, neither should any of us. Remember, eventually they will be in charge when we have lost our faculties, who do you want taking care of you when you're old and feeble.

Until we collectively take control and shift the direction of our youths, we really don't have anyone to blame but ourselves for the mess that they leave. Remember, this is merely my opinion, but if you see yourself or think there is room for improvement, have at it. If you have been nodding in agreement, pass it on. The only way we can make a change is if we make the change.

As always, here are some quotes to ponder: 

"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

"The goal in raising one's child is to enable him, first, to discover who he wants to be, and then to become a person who can be satisfied with himself and his way of life. Eventually he ought to be able to do in his life whatever seems important, desirable, and worthwhile to him to do; to develop relations with other people that are constructive, satisfying, mutually enriching; and to bear up well under the stresses and hardships he will unavoidably encounter during his life."~ Bruno Bettleheim

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Reviving Me

*It has been a while since I have written, but I had lost my desire for writing, or communicating with others until recently. The article below explains the why. I hope you can understand, while I appreciate and savor this moment as I make my return to the blog-o-sphere. Note this article deals with depression. If you or someone you know is thinking of suicide, please reach out for help and call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255. There is no shame, and there is always hope.
A few years ago, a guy I had known killed himself due to severe depression. Although sympathetic to his pain, my mind could not wrap itself around how a parent could do this to his children. In my mind, there had to be more than depression to lead someone down the path to take their own life and leave the wake that they do for friends and family to pick up and try to make sense of. I had a lot of pity for him, and his wife and kids. 

Today, I have a clearer understanding of the bleak despair that he must have felt that day and the many days before; leading to his final decision. Although it pains me to say that I have a better understanding, I am relieved that I made it through the other side to tell my tale. Even though I have lived my life looking for the positive in everything, facing each obstacle that was placed in my path head on. Finding courage when I thought I had nothing left to give, I found myself in an abyss that shed no light my way, worse it did not allow for me to see the glint of light that was trying to find me. 

I began this year with such optimism, convinced that a surgery was all I needed and back to my daily duties I will return. Little did I know that one surgery would turn into five (5) and a desperate fight for my life. I underwent severe trauma to my body, my mind and emotional health. In the end I made it through the physical portions with the help of my husband, parents, family and friends. I had a team of top doctors and nurses, trying to undo the damage that nearly took me off the planet, my mind however did not heal at the same rate as the rest of me. 

Here I was, a survivor of everything life has ever thrown my way; divorce, Multiple Sclerosis, renal cancer, postpartum eclampsia, C-Dif, through it all I pushed through and came out with a better outlook on life and a greater appreciation for everyday and the simple joys that life has to give. Yet, even I was not prepared for what awaited me this past winter. Although I was able to overcome most of the physical challenges that had befallen me, there was something more dangerous and insidious than the viruses that almost took my leg and life that was happening. No one noticed that I was slowly disappearing into the blackness of my own depression. I cannot tell just when it began, or how I found myself looking at life through a prism that truly was foreign to me. What I can tell you, is that I was there. I wallowed in it, bathed in it, hell I was drinking the Kool-Aid that was leading me to see only pain, sorrow without end in sight. 

The pain that my mind was fixated on was very real and had the ability to only been seen and experienced by me. Worse than that, I found that the "essence" of who I thought I was as a person, a mother, wife, daughter and sister was eroding away. I was becoming lost and the deeper into the darkness my mind wandered, the more difficult it was for me to find the way out. Finally I found myself there, in the pit that swallows some of us whole and doesn't let us go. I was in the clutches of the monster called depression, it had no intention of letting me go. Strangely, there was a comfort in the thoughts of ending it all. No more pain, no more surgeries, no more difficulties, my dark thoughts had me rationalizing the actual benefits of not having to go on another day. Rather than running in the opposite direction of such ideas, the thought of sleeping and never waking up were beginning to be hatched. Just how many pain killers would it take? Would drinking alcohol speed it up?

Then I saw my youngest daughter, after having not seen her face for 2 months, or smelling her sweet smell or hearing her giggle and watching her smile with her eyes as well as her mouth. Her utter joy and innocence had yanked me forcibly out of the pit. If only for a moment, that moment was enough to allow me to see where I was. Although I would be swallowed back into the depths of hell; this time I was armed with something to save me. It was as if my daughter threw me a flashlight to assure me a way back to her, my family, more importantly to me.  My journey back has been a long an arduous process, involving the first most important step of asking for help.

Fortunately, I had the means and where with all to recognize that I was in trouble and in need of some serious help or this would be the end of the line for me. I felt immense guilt almost immediately, realizing the weight of my life had been placed squarely  on the shoulders of a five year old girl. She was not aware of what I had done, but I was and with my state of mind it caused a lot of internal conflict. Reaching for help was difficult. At first I think people thought I was saying I was suicidal as a euphemism, not acknowledging the seriousness of my statement, or where I was in my thoughts. 

Today, I am better. I don't have those same dark thoughts, but I can tell you I am well aware of their proximity. Talk therapy was what helped me finally get rid of my demons that were fervently holding onto me. I am home, and still undergoing physical therapy on a long road to recovery. I am grateful to say that I finally do see the light, and although this experience has changed me, I am one of the fortunate ones that battled depression and came through.  Many like my old friend, do not win the battle and sadly leave many of us behind scratching our heads with a lot of whys. This is not how I plan on going out of this life. No for me it will be a fight, teeth and all. I refuse to go down without fighting for every moment, because this life is all that we have and I, for one, want mine to mean something more than that I was here.

The following quotes helped me through some very trying times, and it wouldn't be a blog entry of mine without a quote or two. Thank you for welcoming me back, until next time.

"If you're going through hell, keep going." ~ Winston Churchill

"It always seems impossible until it's done."~ Nelson Mandela