Happy Birthday America!
I am a second generation American (often commonly miscalled a 1st generation). What this means is I am the first of my immediate family born here in the states. My family, not much different from yours, came from another land and made this one HOME. The uniqueness of this great land of ours, is we are truly a country of immigrants. My family did not flee in boats, escaped poverty, or famine. Ours was a migration due to the political faction that was suppressing the majority of its population, (a majority of which were poor) and completely at odds with my family, for having dared to be outspoken.
Mine was a family of affluence, wealth, they were educated and world travelers; in their homeland. They chose to abandon their lives, belongings and status to start over. It had not been an easy task, leaving what they had always known, taking a chance in a new land, with a different culture. For political reasons my family did not immediately enter the US, it took some time to get them all here, but once here, they made a new home for themselves. No longer affluent, no longer entertaining dignitaries or being a part of the elite, still here they knew they could forge a new home and new lives.
Eventually, they made good lives for themselves. I still cannot fathom having to leave my home and having to start my life all over again, in a new land with a new culture. Trying to assimilate and restart my entire life. Those in my family; my grandparents, aunt and uncles, are my heroes. They chose to make a new life in a country where freedom flourished. In this country they knew there were endless possibilities not only for themselves, but for the next generation that would come to know this country as home.
A few of my uncles, young men at the time that they immigrated, served in the military. We, the generation that they had hopes for, went on to succeed in many ways, unforeseen I am sure; although greatly hoped for; with careers and children of our own; living lives with the same values of family, pride and seeking education. Most of all we beam with pride that we are all Americans. A land where our voices can be heard, even if at times it seems that some representatives do not hear us, we have an opportunity to speak our minds without repercussion.
Recently, when asking my mother how was her life in a country so different here versus there, where her family name held such honor; her response surprised me. She told me that there were scenes from an old Jack Lemmon movie "Missing" ; that very much reminded her of her own past when the family had to flee from danger or attempted assignations, capture or prison.
I used to think we were fortunate, that while others were born here for generations, I grew up with a greater appreciation for the freedoms guaranteed to its citizens. My family CHOSE to make this home, and home it is. I am (to quote a song) proud to be an American.
No things aren't perfect here, there is always room for improvement, but here at least I know we can make changes when necessary. We have come a long way from the first wave of immigrants, our founding fathers.
So God bless you America, and Happy Birthday to you. While we will toast this birthday with fireworks and BBQ's, know that we all are grateful for the freedoms we have been granted and to the men and women that ensure that those freedoms stay intact.
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