Recently, I came across a photo (see above), and it struck me that tensions are high this year, higher than it has been in years. I have seen fellow bloggers go off their main course of topic in their posts, dedicating it to the end of President Obama or the ruin of the GOP. There has been misinformation, misleading ads on both sides of the fence, some to the point of causing this woman nausea. At times it is shameful, distasteful but this is what American politics has come to. Regardless of where you stand, personal attacks are never warranted when the discussion of the state of our nation and how it is to be governed, is concerned.
In 2008, we were a country at the precipice of the worst economic free fall it had seen in over 75 years. We, the American people had been clueless as to how serious the situation was, today we have not yet recovered. Is it wrong for us to have expected more? No, but it was foolish to think that in four years all things would be back to normal. The reality check is this, we will never have the economy of the past again, because we (collectively) partied like it was 1999 and when we got the bill were shocked that we had to pay for it.
The continuous deregulating of banks and Wall Street, was only going to bite us in the proverbial ass. Deregulations, that admittedly occurred by both parties. The out-sourcing of jobs; and you know what I am talking about if you ever dialed customer service and had a chance to speak with "Chuck" from Mumbai; jobs that once upon a time were always here. This too cost us, and again was contributed to by both parties.
For years, I have been balking about the disappearing middle class in America. Today the middle class seems to be the "go-to" word of the political pundits. The shame is in order for us to remain a society with more than two classes, we the people need to start playing a more active role in our politics. Not by bashing one another, but rather by finding a way to compromise across the aisle to benefit all, not just one. Yet, we seem to be stuck in the mire of being right and see compromise as a weakness instead of a strength.
Last week I watched the RNC and I listened to the speakers, and the candidates, some said things that struck me as good, some that struck me as poor, point is I listened. Listening is the key, and it is my fervent hope that those that were elected to serve listen too.
This week was the DNC's turn to talk to America, and tell us their platform. The pundits were talking about how the Obama/Biden ticket has lost its' hype and luster that it had in 2008. I find this statement to be a sad commentary. I, for one am not looking to go back, and most definitely not back to four years ago, when we were falling apart and bleeding at the seams.
I could make an argument for President Barack Obama, and why he should be re-elected. There are many things that his administration has accomplished that I benefited from. "OBAMACARE" (another word I despise, it's Universal Healthcare), had it been in existence in 2002 when I was first diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, might have prevented me from being in a wheelchair today. In the same breath I could make an argument for Governor Mitt Romney, mostly because he was the architect for the healthcare system that now exists, and his business acumen might be beneficial to this nation, but I won't make either.
The decision that we make when we go to the polls in November is for your own self. It is a decision that should be made intelligently, weighing the pros and the cons of both candidates. This means we have to go to work and become informed. If you are a Democrat, make certain that your ideas and ideals are what your candidate supports. If you are a Republican, do the same. What we cannot do and most definitively should not do is separate the country.
What I mean by this is we are not a nation of Blues and Reds, we are a country of diversity. To make us into two is defeatist, it takes away from who we are as a nation. I have stated this before, but it bears re-mentioning; on September 12th in 2001 we were a nation of Red, White and Blue. Street after street were draped in our flag, showing a nation's pride at a time when we had been under attack. Should it only take another heinous act of terrorism, to bring forward our Nationalism? We, the people, are just that, people, people who stand united for one Nation, under one flag. Not people for Red or Blue alone. If we keep this in mind no matter what the outcome we should be able to look at one another the following the morning, and remember whatever happens, we are in this together. I say this because regardless; there is no better nation on this earth that I would want to call home. To quote a song; "I am proud to be an American!"
No matter what comes about, I have faith in this great nation of ours. We are a nation that was built on an idea. Think about that, we did not come from Kings or Queens, the country and highest office of the land was not bequeath to one family or one group. It was a group of those who were defiant and decidedly took hold of an idea, the idea of freedom. We are still a young nation, and we have had our share of bad moves and mistakes, but we weathered every storm we faced, only to stand together as one. Defiant? Yes. Resilient? Yes. Everlasting? I believe so. No matter what; to quote Vice President Joe Biden, "It is never a safe bet to bet against America or its people!"
If you are an regular follower of my blog, you know that I have to sign off with a quote; and I do not want to disappoint, so here it goes:
"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future. "~John F. Kennedy
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