Frankly, little in this world shocks me anymore. The older I get the more jaded I seem to become. I have lived to see the ugliness that man can subject his brethren to, without batting an eye. Gone are the days of my innocence and naivety, having to leave them behind, and as my innocence fades away, so does my perception of the world.
Then late last night, here I was witnessing something, which admittedly did send me back to the border of Shockville. Actually as I think about it more, I have to say I found it to show the utter gall and lack of remorse from George Zimmerman. Until last night we have only heard from his attorneys (who quit today), his father, brother and two of his neighbors, his only saving grace was that he hid and kept his mouth shut. Now things have changed.
Not only did this man decide to take the platform, he chose the Internet to do so. The gall to which I am referring is in his lame attempt to appeal to the public for funds, he does not apologize, or even take the high road and say something like the events were tragic for all. Instead he goes on playing the victim and expresses how his life has been affected. Below is a direct quote from the site.
"I have been forced to leave my home, my school, my employer, my family and ultimately, my entire life."
He goes on to assert, "all facts will come to light". There is an American flag front and center, which I am certain, was strategically placed there to profess his being a patriot. Upon further examining of this website you can see it's an attempt is to get money. Zimmerman is kind enough to inform the general public that any other site in his name that is collecting money for his legal defense, is not going to him, so please send to his PayPal. Throughout this cheap, pathetic attempt of a website there are quotes. Quotes that I wonder if Zimmerman truly understands what the words meant to their author. I know a thing or two about quotes, as you my readers know. The one that bears question to his judgment was this one especially; "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing" - Edmund Burke
Just what does George Zimmerman mean to imply with this quote? That he was merely being a stand-up guy defending the neighborhood from evil? That Trayvon personified that evil on that rainy night in February? Well let me school you Mr Zimmerman, to start with it is not Edmund Burke who said those words, although it is incorrectly attributed to him. The actual quote is as follows; "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
Please note the words and the order in which they are said. The meaning is a simple one, it is that evil is not neutral and if society stops resisting evil it will grow and spread. It also more simply puts in a call to society not to be complacent, but where ever ones sees evil, depravity, callousness or contempt it is up to us to resist and correct the problem.
For example the protests and demand for YOUR arrest Mr Zimmerman. The facts are simple, you a citizen, not an officer killed an unarmed teen. You, George Zimmerman, say your entire life is gone; well you took the life of a young man who had yet to embark on his, he was still a child. His mother can only cry for him, and as for us, well, we won't rest until justice is done.
This quote is for George Zimmerman; “It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution” ~Oscar Wilde
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