Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Now,...Let's Talk About SEX

Do I have your attention now? I bet I do. Amazing how such a small word can hold the attention of so many. The power of this word became apparent to me a while back.  When I first joined Facebook, I would post provocative questions in my status. First it was done just to entertain, but the constant observer in me delighted in the variety of responses I would receive. Granted, some were still too shy or intimidated to answer honestly, most likely due to the lack of anonymity. This is has never been the case for me. 

For the next few blog entries we are going to travel and delve into those various questions and peel back the shroud that still exists in our society when it comes to sex, men and women. Primarily sex and women.  The reason I have decided to visit this subject, is simply because we are already preoccupied with it. The proof is in the salacious stories we see bombarding our news, especially as of late with the newest Washington scandal involving the Secret Service and prostitutes. I am not going to dive into the politics of this latest scandal, we will have enough time for that, and I am certain that there will be plenty more to come. 

Today, I had a "tweet battle" (I swear that sounds like something out of Dr Seuss); with an acquaintance regarding women and sex.  It had been his assertion that women shouldn't have sex on the first date. Reason why? The man would not get into a relationship with them afterwards. This irritated me beyond belief. Please do not misinterpret what I am saying, I am not advocating for women across the nation to screw the first guy they see. Sex, however, is a biological impulse. It is also a physiological benefit to the parties when performing the act of sex. I am not making this up, you can check the facts with Dr. Oz, but I digress. It is not for the physical relief of pleasure that I say women can have sex on the first, second or last date, I say it because any two mature responsible adults can engage in sex for the fun of it without the baggage. Provided you leave the baggage at the door. Just realize why you are engaging in the act. Is it for the pleasure and relief? Or do you have an end goal other than an orgasm?

My twitter friend said; "More females than not (not all) who didn't wait wish they had waited a bit longer. Many stated that they felt cheap or used afterwards". I argued this and countered that if the woman is confident and self assured within her own sexuality there is no regret. Of course if the sex is bad, there may be some regret as to not having opted for the V8 rather than the bad bed partner. Someone else added that women who do have sex on the first date suffer from low self esteem. Again, I balk at this inference, for a woman with low self esteem, having sex on the first date, will feel just as bad had the sex occurred on the first or tenth. Reason being is that the sex was given with an ulterior motive. Ladies, I beg of you, stop thinking that your va-jay-jay is the Holy Grail. Just because you can do it right does not mean that the man will drop to his knees and beg you to stay with him. Too many women have been fooling themselves into believing that if they are freaks in the bedroom, the man will stay. Reality is a man will stay when you want him to.  Just don't expect to find Captain Save-a-Ho stepping up to the plate when your game is weak.

To better explain this I am going to state some hard truths to you. Do not seek what you do not already have. If you want a good man, with a job, financially secure and is stable, well then YOU need to be a good woman, with a job, who is financially secure and mentally stable. Flying your freak flag across the country does not insure you better odds, regardless of what your girlfriends may tell you. Men also need to not be so judgmental. If you are engaging in sex, responsibly with a woman after a great first date, she may just have wanted sex. We (women) are sexual beings as well, and contrary to popular belief, have active libidos and lustful desires.

I, for one, LOVE sex, and will state without shame, that I have had my share of lovers. This did not make me a slut, vamp or prostitute, I was merely a grown woman with desires and had them met. Difference is I did not have sex to fulfill some emptiness, or to validate who I was. My choice to have sex when I was single was simple, either I had a night with B.O.B. or I could have some time with a man I was interested in. Sex for sex sake can happen, for both men and women. Regardless of your choice, just be sure it is a choice you are prepared for, emotionally and mentally. 

Please also remember to always practice safe sex! Because they now have diseases that can kill you or never leave.

Always with a quote or two for you, here are my selections on this subject; 

"Sex without love is an empty experience, but as empty experiences go it's one of the best." ~ Woody Allen

“Life without sex might be safer but it would be unbearably dull. It is the sex instinct, which makes women seem beautiful, which they are once in a blue moon, and men seem wise and brave, which they never are at all. Throttle it, denaturalize it, take it away, and human existence would be reduced to the prosaic, laborious, bore some, imbecile level of life in an anthill.” ~Henry Louis Mencken

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