Tuesday, August 30, 2011


For the love of words, I adore poetry! I love the staccato you can relay in words, the rhythmic flow of the syllables from one phrase to the next, the pattern that is created in your ears, as you listen to the sound that rolls off of your tongue. 

Words are a delicious gift for me! Thank you to all the authors, struggling writers, poets and dreamers with pen and paper (or type and paper) for the endless supply to help my insatiable quench for language, nuance and creativity. I only hope that I provide you with the same level of joy.

Earlier tonight someone sent me the link to their poetry, I was happy to receive the tweet, even happier to read his poetry. In return, I thought I would share a similar piece of my work. So here it goes. Enjoy!

Laughter, Tears, Pain, Love
I saw you the other day
You had a smile on your face
You didn't see me

I wanted to say hello
But I changed my mind
I remembered when I gave you that smile
I saw you this morning
You were laughing
You never noticed my face in the crowd

Once I had hoped I'd be laughing 
With you always
I thought back to the times we laughed together

I walked behind you yesterday
There was sorrowful look on your face
You never saw me

I could see you were pained
And oh how I wanted to comfort you so
As I had done times before

I sat across from you
I was just a faded memory now
You didn't notice me, or my tear-streaked face
As you had done so many times before

And I thought back to those yesteryears
And  this time I walked away

Tonight's poem was for the unrequited lot of the world. Remember Love can be unrequited with a person, a choice or even a career choice, rule is the same if it isn't working, leave! "Move on. It is just a chapter in the past, but don't close the book, just turn the page."-anonymous

Monday, August 29, 2011


Well, after surveying the area I am happy to report we have suffered no major loss of power (just some brown outs), had no flooding of the home, nor did any of the trees fall on the house or property. Thank goodness I had  those other trees taken down last year! It definitely paid off, plus I am convinced that now that I have upped my home insurance, nothing will happen. You know the minute you aren't covered is when you have problems. Family also seemed to have weathered the storm unscathed. This is a blessing, and I am grateful for my blessings. To those who were not as fortunate, count your blessings that you are safe and so are your loved ones. God willing you will recover from this disaster.

Now the windows are open letting in the cool breeze that Irene has left behind, and the sounds of nature's orchestra making a little night music is in the background as my family slumbers. This is peace and I feel peaceful. It reminded me of a poem I had written a long time ago, so if you can bear with me, I would like to post in hopes you understand the breath of life I feel when serenity is coursing through my veins. Perhaps, while you are bitching and moaning about the morning commute, or the property damage you surveyed, you can think of these words.


I saw the sun rise this morning,

I watched as its first rays
of golden sunshine
kissed the flowers Good Morning

I saw the sun rise this morning,

I peeked out of my windows
and looked as it slowly
raised itself into the sky

I saw the sun rise this morning,

I looked and saw I was alone
and I smiled because I wasn't lonely
For I had seen the splendor of love in the birth of a new day
and I gave Him thanks

Today's quote is a simple one, this quote however is truly my mantra; "Live well,..Laugh often,.. Love much.."-Bessie Anderson Stanley

Saturday, August 27, 2011

My past visiting

I had a strange experience earlier this evening, which of course I am going to share with you. Since we are on a Hurricane Irene alert here in NY; which by the way is reason number 2 on my list of why I don't live in Florida; I went supply shopping for bottled water. Fortunately for me I was raised by a Caribbean mother, who taught me to stock up on food and candles, but I needed to make sure we had enough water and ice to hold us through the storm.

While shopping in Target, with my husband and youngest child, minding my own business, I hear my name. Now it is not unusual to hear it, I have a common name, but somehow I knew this was meant for me. There he was, a guy I used to "date" back in my single and thank God I am free days. It's been 10 years, I knew the face but couldn't place it, but it was an ex. Then he says one word and it all comes rushing back. I was thrown for a loop. Turns out he is now residing in my county. Please bear with me and that harsh statement, but this is my county. I spent my teen years here, learned to drive, went to high school and met my first husband here. So when I dated I purposefully, let me repeat that word, PURPOSEFULLY chose to date men that did not live here. I chose people who hadn't even heard of this area. Yet, here he was shopping with his wife and child, turns out it is where he lives now too! 

It isn't as though I was heartbroken over him when it ended, as a matter of fact we both were the bad guys in the end, but still why here? The shocking thing is that this is number three of my ex's who have decided to move to where I live. For goodness sake, I did not show them the town when we dated, nor did I brag of my quiet respite of a small town and county, however all three have come here to my neck of the woods to settle down in. I only have this to ask, one is coincidence, two is strange but three,....three is downright eerie! Why are they here?

With all three, they saw me, they called me out, and they all remembered me, I on the other hand needed some prompting to remember them! Says a lot of the impact they made in my life, but I am curious of the influence I might have had on theirs. Just a thought.

Had to search far and wide for a quote tonight: "The universe may not always play fair, but at least it's got a hell of a sense of humor" -Carrie Bradshaw Sex in the City

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Earlier this week we had an earthquake, then a Hurricane (not a tropical storm) is making a bee-line for the East Coast and Mid-Atlantic, aiming for major cities.  First I thought Mother Nature was just a little ticked off, then I noticed that Lucifer,..err I mean Dick Cheney has been in the area promoting his book. This is when it dawned on me that she actually was aiming straight for a target. Ok Ok,..I know that was mean, maybe true but still. I have been watching the greatest city in the world having to brace itself for the worst storm it has seen in a LONG time. My family is in the city, in Queens and Long Island, not to mention my friends are there also, so to alleviate any anxiety that we all may be suffering from, I wrote this little ditty. YouTube Video soon to follow! Keep safe everyone!

These lyrics are meant to be sung to the tune "Come on Eileen"

Come on Irene
Come on Irene

Poor old East Coast Bays
Sounded sad upon the media, you move millions of hearts solo
Some people cried and sang along and who'd blame them.
Now you've grown, so grown, now we must say more than ever.
Go Toora Loora Toora Loo-Rye-Aye
as we all just run for to shelters.

Come on Irene,
I swear (what we mean) At this moment you mean everything,
With you on a course my thoughts I confess verge on the danger
Ah come on Irene.

The people round here just had an earthquake
Now to be drenched in your wake they're so resigned to what their fate is,
Please not us, no not us we are far too broke already
Remember Toora Loora Toora Loo-Rye-Aye
Irene I'll hum this tune forever.

Come on Irene, I swear, what we mean
Ah come on don’t destroy everything,
That windy rain storm Irene (Tell us yes)
Ah don't come on, ah don't come on Irene, please.

Today's quote: "Expect the worst, hope for the best!" -Mel Brooks

Writer's Block: I'm back!!

Writer's Block: I'm back!!: Hard to believe that the last time I posted anything other than a link, was two weeks ago! I have been lost my friends, lost without my writ...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'm back!!

Hard to believe that the last time I posted anything other than a link, was two weeks ago! I have been lost my friends, lost without my writings, lost without my words, just L O S T! So much have happened since last I was here! To begin with I had my mother-in-law visiting. As sweet as the woman can be I was relieved when she finally headed home. Somehow, she managed to cause some friction in my relationship with my husband. Then my husband was out on strike! Some of you may think there is your free time, but hard to relax when you are worrying about every dime and praying that you don't need to go to the hospital because come the end of the month there is no more insurance! This only activated more stress, which only compounded my already rocky relationship with my MS, prepping me for an exacerbation, leaving me with little sight. If this wasn't enough, school is about to open and I am still waiting to hear if my youngest made the lottery to enter pre-k and I have to prepare my eldest for her final year!!

To make certain that life was just as frazzled as it can get, Mother Nature got in the act with giving the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic an earthquake! But wait! Hold on! There's More! We are now bracing ourselves for Hurricane Irene!

Now, needing solace and comfort, I reached out to what I love second most to my family, and that is here behind the Mac clicking away my fingers on a keyboard. Listening to each stroke of the key, like a note of a great music composition, delighted that the words that I hear in my head are appearing on the screen!! Yeah for writing! Yeah for Peace! Yeah for finding my way back after what seemed like one hundred years! Just Yeah! I'M BACK!

Gotta leave a quote, this time from a hero of mine; “There is nothing like returning to a place that reminds unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.” Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Up and down

When writing the next great American novel it is best to write from what you know including emotions! Perhaps as I am writing climatic scenes it seems appropriate that I am speaking from a chaotic existence. There is also an undercurrent of greed, which seems to peer in some lines! 

I had wondered if I would have the "teeth" to write powerful moments, fortunately I am making the most of my frustration with VERIZON and a visiting in-law, to make the transition flow smoothly! 

I suppose this is just more of that silver lining I spoke of before!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I have to say that I love my mother-in-law! She is a delightful woman, kind and has a generous spirit, but, we differ on religion. Although the base may be the same, her take is a bit more hard-lined, old school, fire and brimstone on witches and all things occult.

Those reading my blog, know that my novel delves into the world of witches and other subjects a la supernatural! Well, being the good daughter-in-law that I am (especially with a husband on strike and feeling edgy) I spent the past few days gathering up all my notes, books, research notes and all things related to hide them! It is not that I am ashamed of what I am writing, but I most definitely do not want to hear that I am worshiping at the hooves of Satan!

Now, hear I was all month long bursting at the seams about my manuscript, yet I was hiding everything that had to do with it. Now I am writing in the cloak of night, not because of the solitude of a sleeping house, but because of the making certain not to raise eyebrows and disrupt my home.

I thought this would be easy, but after more than twenty-four hours I am remorseful, because I do want to shout from the rooftops, not to mention this experience of writing has given me tools, hope and confidence. 

So now I must ask myself, do I stay true to myself? or do I continue the dance of peace and harmony? Decisions, decisions! 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Life unexpected

I suppose I could join the "Oh woe is me group" of wallowers if I wanted to. Lord knows, I have had cause in my life to do so, but it just isn't my style. This weekend was my birthday weekend, although I was turning 45, I made a conscientious decision to celebrate. Life, on the other hand, decided to give me some unexpected gifts.

To begin with it rained, now to understand the significance I must explain that since my MS and rheumatoid arthritis diagnoses, rain and I are not exactly on speaking terms. Between the joint swelling and the stiffness, it increases my difficulty to move around. Then my mother, who as adoring and doting as she is, has some aversion to the concept of deadly allergies, which my 3 year old has to peanuts. My mother believes it is all an exaggeration by the doctors since no one in our family has any allergies. Her reasoning boggles my mind, since my husband suffers from a multitude of allergies and he makes up half of the child's DNA. My mother's response was to serve a tray of mixed nuts (peanuts included) with the pre dinner cocktails for her guests, triggering an asthma attack. Finally at midnight my husband's union, along with another, went on strike! No more paychecks, just picket hours and the hopes that we have enough in savings to make it through.

Now, if you all have been reading my blog, will remember how I mentioned I used to think my birthday was cursed, this would be a prime example of that curse! Yet in my eternal optimistic view, which I must admit is fairly newly acquired (5 years to be more accurate), I found the silver lining to my rainy day clouds. 

First, the rain gave me some time to rest after much cleaning in preparation for an impending in-law visit. Who couldn't enjoy some rest? Secondly, we were prepared with medication for my daughter's attack and FINALLY my mother had to realize the doctors, my husband and I were not exaggerating about her reaction to peanuts! Lastly, my husband will be able to be home a little more while his mother visits, leaving me with more time to write! See there is always something good laying in wait when you get the unexpected, you just have to open your mind and spirit to see it.

Forty-Five years, that is how long it took me to realize my passions, how long it took me to follow on a dream. More importantly, how long it took me to be grateful for the little things that life throws at you.

Now you know there is a quote, and this one is my mantra everyday: "And this too shall pass"-Persian proverb

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Burgeoning Maestro

There are few things that give me the feeling of being a Michelangelo, these would be writing and cooking. Both seem to hold the same affection in my soul. I see the two being equivalent since they are both based on creativity and I don't use a cookbook but depend on my own thoughts, efforts and energy.

I am fortunate that way, I know I cook well (see photo below). This meal was created when I ate the same thing at a restaurant and thought I can do this! So I did, remembering the flavors that had been on my palette, the look of the tuna that was seared. Picking greens that would wilt ever so. 

The only difference is that with my manuscript, the entirety came from my imagination. Hallowed Hills, its residents, but just as I remember the seasonings in a sauce; I pepper my character with those I have met throughout the years.

This is what gives me confidence, the same way I know people LOVE my cooking, I know they will love this story about Jonah and Raven.

Seared Tuna with Wasabi Dressing on Mescalin Salad

Saturday, August 6, 2011

45 years in the making

Today is my birthday! Historically it is also the day of the Hiroshima bombing and on the very day I was born Braniff Airlines Flight 250 crashed, killing all 42 on board. These were facts that a teacher felt I needed to know when I was 8 years old. It made me think that my birthday was cursed, believing that I think I stirred up my own bad karma on my birthday, making me not look forward to it.

Then I learned that Lucille Ball shared my birthday, that most definitely weighed out misfortune. Since then I discovered that Robert Mitchum, M. Knight Shyamalan, Michelle Yeoh, Catherine Hicks, a Spice Girl and Alfred Lord Tennyson all shared my day to name a few. Not bad for August 6th! This made me realize that my day was blessed, blessed with creative talented people and that I myself am one.

I do not seek fame or fortune, or even recognition for that fact, I know I can write well. However, on my 45th year of life I know what I want to be when I grow up, a published author. Had you asked me a year ago if it were possible, I might have answered no, but today my answer is without a doubt!

So I will toast my fellow August 6 babies and give praise to us and all that we have accomplished (and will continue to accomplish). Perhaps one day some kid who was born on this date will add my name to their list of birthday heroes and toast me as well. 

Either way I say Happy Birthday to Us! Especially Ms Lucille Ball who would be 100 had she lived so long.

There is a quote today: "And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.”- Abraham Lincoln
and another for good measure:"I would rather regret the things that I have done than the things that I have not”- Lucille Ball

Friday, August 5, 2011


My mother-in-law is heading to town and in preparation for her I had to clean out my cluttered den. As tedious a job as this was I came across a journal of my poetry from a decade ago. This had been something I was searching for this journal in particular because my best poetry was in here. Housework paid off again! 
So tonight I will post one of my poems. This first poem is dedicated to women who suffer from domestic violence. No quotes tonight, just read and reflect. Please leave a comment thank you!


Man, Woman, Love
Woman, Man, Hate
Man Slaps Woman
Dead In Her Face

Woman, Man, Fear
Woman Cowering In The
Corner Shedding Her Tears

Man, You Called Her Your
Yet You Spit In Her Face
If She Doesn't Tend To
Your Every Need
Woman, You Say That He Is Your
As If You Are Proud To Claim
All The Scars He Now Brings

These Aren't The Sounds From Heaven
But Your Own Personal Hell

He Beat Me
She Pissed me Off
He Scares Me
She Needs To Shut Up
Funny How I Can't Recall 
These Lines In Sonnets & Love Songs

Love Like This Started With Lies
Sometimes It Only Ends When One of You Dies

Man, Grow Up Do Like Your Name
Be Protector, Provider, The Lover & Friend
Be Loyal and Kind
Court Her With Your Soul
Stop Destroying Her Mind
Your Hands Should Caress That Angelic Face
Not Beat Her Down and Put Her in "Her Place"

Woman, Listen To Me
Be All That You Are
Who You Are Truly Meant To Be
A Giver Of Life To Be Cherished and Loved
Roar For Yourself
Stop Living In Madness, Stop Living In Fear
It Was Never Your Fault
He Will Still Live If You Walk Away

Let Him Carry The Blame
Let Him Bear The Shame

Find Your Dignity, Find Yourself
Love Your Spirit
Love You, Love You, Love You Before All Else
Love You, Love You, Love You Before Someone Else
Love You, Love You,Love Me
For I Am You, You Live In Me
I Love You
I Love Me

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Auto Correct and other challenges

Not that I am an avid text'er, but the feature of Auto-Correct has become the blight of my very existence in a tech savvy world.  There was a time when I was grateful for spell-check, this feature was an ego booster for me, without failure it let me know I knew how to spell. This Auto-Correct however, is second guessing me and my prolific grasp of the English language and then choosing words for me.

Not only is this bothersome, but it is becoming a nuisance and somewhat hazardous to my friendships. While attempting to send a simple abbreviated message, the Auto-Correct is propositioning people without my approval. I now either have to stop abbreviating or stop using Twitter (since it only allows for so many characters per tweet). Plus it is making for awkward discussions with my parents who think I am losing it (keep reading to see why).

In a world where we all find need to be in constant contact in some varied form of communication, you would think someone would have come up with an Auto-Correct that recognizes emoticons and abbreviations without changing the words from their original meaning.

While writing this I have come to realize I just need to shut off the feature as best I can, and remember when the phone resets I must immediately address this feature. Maybe next time I won't have to explain to my parents that I was not texting them that I went to buy my 3 year old daughter a testicle after finding a great deal on my titties!

At least I know I am NOT alone!

No quote tonight, just a translation: (what I did text before Auto Correct messed it up) "I went to buy my daughter a tricycle after finding a great deal on my TWITTER!"

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A window opens

The old saying is; for every door that closes, a window opens. This is a very optimistic way to look at the world, but also a very practical way if you think about it. People by nature always look for the opening when they feel trapped in or caught in a corner. Some will take misfortune and wallow in it, I will admit to knowing a few who have done just that. Then there are those of us who dream big and desire more; we are the ones who look for opportunity even when it seems impossible, we make the possible happen.

I have to admit that I am a dreamer, but I have tried my best to maintain practical applications in my life to achieve simple goals. This sometimes prevented me from taking risks when I felt going the safe way would be more prudent.

I am now approaching my 45th birthday and looking back at my life I see where I made left turns when I should have gone right, yet I am not regretful. The compilation of the various paths I took brought me here, to where I am today, finally doing what I love with passion.

As I finished another chapter in my manuscript all I could do was beam. Realizing that my travels, reading, and making friends with people across the globe has helped me with my characters, scenes and storyline. For a fiction novel there is a lot of truth in this book. 

Raven and Jonah (the leading characters in my novel) are going to enter a stage of metamorphosis, transcending them from simple kids into adults with a greater knowledge and life experiences. The concept excites me, because just as my characters will have time to grow, learn and reflect so will I, for I am forever evolving!

So tonight I am thankful for having the opportunity to have been home long enough to pursue my dream. This is the window that opened when I was unable to go through the door for a traditional job. This is my chance to soar!

Today's quote: "Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible. "- Cadet Maxim  

Monday, August 1, 2011

Words, words and more words

I don't know if it is the ignorance because it is just that, ignorant or the fact that I am a writer and have a love affair with words, but I cannot stand the butchering of words. A friend of mine recently posted about her need to school people on their wrongs when using words incorrectly. Her complaint, distinguishing being the words Quiet and Quite, also the mistaking of Duck with Duct when speaking of a particular tape. 

Now we can all list many errors we have seen performed by others, I myself do not understand how people confuse the words Through with Though and trough. It boggles my imagination. Another complained of the poor phrasing of words, such as "I will keep you in my prays". 

I stated earlier that I have had a love affair with words, the way they roll off of the tongue and sound in my ears. I have a few favorites; dexterity, homogeneous, bereft, frailty and inconsequential to name a few.It is perhaps this love that I have which causes me pangs in my heart and stomach, when I see them being mangled and systematically destroyed.

Fortunately, I am not alone in my quest to find people properly utilizing language and learning the meanings of the words they choose when communicating with others. Words are powerful, they help define nations, declare undying love and express infinite joy. Words help the fiction author take the reader to new worlds and meet characters that they would not normally come to know and the non fiction writer to prevail in passing on useful information and facts in a comprehensible manner.

So do those of us a favor, who are in love with words (and even who just have developed a pet peeve), to think before you speak or type. If you are not sure of what to say, ask, but whatever you do, don't say something just because you heard it once, didn't understand it, yet thought it made you sound smart. Chances are they didn't know what they were saying either!

Today's quote comes from a movie:"An ounce of pretension is worth a pound of manure!" - Shelby from Steel Magnolias