I suppose I could join the "Oh woe is me group" of wallowers if I wanted to. Lord knows, I have had cause in my life to do so, but it just isn't my style. This weekend was my birthday weekend, although I was turning 45, I made a conscientious decision to celebrate. Life, on the other hand, decided to give me some unexpected gifts.
To begin with it rained, now to understand the significance I must explain that since my MS and rheumatoid arthritis diagnoses, rain and I are not exactly on speaking terms. Between the joint swelling and the stiffness, it increases my difficulty to move around. Then my mother, who as adoring and doting as she is, has some aversion to the concept of deadly allergies, which my 3 year old has to peanuts. My mother believes it is all an exaggeration by the doctors since no one in our family has any allergies. Her reasoning boggles my mind, since my husband suffers from a multitude of allergies and he makes up half of the child's DNA. My mother's response was to serve a tray of mixed nuts (peanuts included) with the pre dinner cocktails for her guests, triggering an asthma attack. Finally at midnight my husband's union, along with another, went on strike! No more paychecks, just picket hours and the hopes that we have enough in savings to make it through.
First, the rain gave me some time to rest after much cleaning in preparation for an impending in-law visit. Who couldn't enjoy some rest? Secondly, we were prepared with medication for my daughter's attack and FINALLY my mother had to realize the doctors, my husband and I were not exaggerating about her reaction to peanuts! Lastly, my husband will be able to be home a little more while his mother visits, leaving me with more time to write! See there is always something good laying in wait when you get the unexpected, you just have to open your mind and spirit to see it.
Forty-Five years, that is how long it took me to realize my passions, how long it took me to follow on a dream. More importantly, how long it took me to be grateful for the little things that life throws at you.
Now you know there is a quote, and this one is my mantra everyday: "And this too shall pass"-Persian proverb
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