Monday, August 29, 2011


Well, after surveying the area I am happy to report we have suffered no major loss of power (just some brown outs), had no flooding of the home, nor did any of the trees fall on the house or property. Thank goodness I had  those other trees taken down last year! It definitely paid off, plus I am convinced that now that I have upped my home insurance, nothing will happen. You know the minute you aren't covered is when you have problems. Family also seemed to have weathered the storm unscathed. This is a blessing, and I am grateful for my blessings. To those who were not as fortunate, count your blessings that you are safe and so are your loved ones. God willing you will recover from this disaster.

Now the windows are open letting in the cool breeze that Irene has left behind, and the sounds of nature's orchestra making a little night music is in the background as my family slumbers. This is peace and I feel peaceful. It reminded me of a poem I had written a long time ago, so if you can bear with me, I would like to post in hopes you understand the breath of life I feel when serenity is coursing through my veins. Perhaps, while you are bitching and moaning about the morning commute, or the property damage you surveyed, you can think of these words.


I saw the sun rise this morning,

I watched as its first rays
of golden sunshine
kissed the flowers Good Morning

I saw the sun rise this morning,

I peeked out of my windows
and looked as it slowly
raised itself into the sky

I saw the sun rise this morning,

I looked and saw I was alone
and I smiled because I wasn't lonely
For I had seen the splendor of love in the birth of a new day
and I gave Him thanks

Today's quote is a simple one, this quote however is truly my mantra; "Live well,..Laugh often,.. Love much.."-Bessie Anderson Stanley

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