Sunday, July 31, 2011

What happened America?

It would be, I feel, irresponsible of me not to mention my thoughts on the situation that is currently brewing in Washington, D.C.. I know I am not alone with my questions, what happened to us? Surely we all saw this coming, and this rant is not about Republicans, Democrats or even the Tea Party. This is a rant about how far off course we have gone with not being able to fix problems that effect millions of Americans. 

I am deeply sadden by the great divide that exists in our nation today. What happened to "ONE NATION UNDER GOD"? Is it possible that when we took ethics, civics and the Pledge of Allegiance from our classrooms, we inadvertently placed ourselves on a set of tracks leading straight off a cliff?

When I was young, if children had a dispute on the playground, we were told to go talk and work it out. However, this concept escapes the minds of the elected officials (that need I remind them WE put in office), to negotiate and make compromises. I understand that people want to protect the stances of their constituents, but at the expense of the nation as a whole does not seem sane nor feasible to me. I cannot rationalize in my head, and I most definitely cannot justify, why we refuse to tax those with plenty over those that have to worry about whether to pay a mortgage or pay a doctor or a grocery bill. 

The middle class is vanishing folks and we are a country filled with working poor. Our economy will never rebound if we protect the groups that can and should afford the burden of rebuilding this nation. We are our brother's keeper! I also do not understand why the fat cannot be trimmed on certain programs, or making the universal healthcare, that so many want, just be Medicare for all and reorganize social security so that it is here for my children.

Time is running out here people and this foolishness is more than a little serious. If we have no resolve not only can government shut down but, so can public works, infrastructure and it will trickle down unlike cash in big business's hand. I am stunned when I see Congress shouting at each other accomplishing nothing. I remember September 11, 2001 but more importantly I remember September 12th, 2001, the next day there were flags everywhere and it was beautiful, we were united and we were one. We need to think about that and stop with the infighting since all that is happening is, again, absolutely nothing.

Now I know some of you will say to me, but it isn't that simple. Isn't it? If we are all truly guided by honorable principals an agreement could be met. I have faith that eventually we will come back from this, I am just hoping that we don't take any more casualties to achieve it. 

This time I do not leave you with  a quote, instead I choose these words: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all!"

I thought we all needed a reminder.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Who we are

A great man once said it is not the color of a man's skin but the content of his character that need to judged; granted there was a little paraphrasing in this statement, but I am sure you got what I meant. I am speaking on this topic because a lot of people have gotten off subject when talking about people. 

We are quick to judge someone because of things we have heard about another and collectively make the decision to harp on anything that we see to be a weakness or failing. This sometimes not only happens to celebrities, politicians or any other person in the public eye, but to neighbors, friends and relations. Sometimes these judgments are spot on, but more often than not we do not see the entire picture so the conclusion is flawed.

The worst part is we create a story in our heads about that person, sometimes even ourselves. There are few of us in the world that has not been misjudged by our peers or others. In every family there is the "black sheep", but is the story who they are? Have we been defined by an action of the past and this is how others always see us? Are we sometimes defined by a mistake that isn't who we authentically are? How can we change another person's opinion when they already decided who we are?

Ponder on this one for a minute and think about what story you tell yourself about others and better yet what story is being told about you.

Today's mantra and quote: "If you judge people, you have no time to love them" - Mother Teresa of Calcutta 

Friday, July 29, 2011


Back when I was learning about journalism, there was an acronym that according to the professor any journalist "worth his salt" will do his best to adhere to. It stood for F.ast A.ccurate C.orrect and T.rue! Sounds so simple but, as I have grown up I am finding fewer and fewer in the media (whether they are Right or Left), making a practice of this. 

First, there were a few journalist who took on fabricating their stories, we all seemed shocked and some even offended that the papers didn't fact check any of these stories until long after they were published. To me this was just the inevitable result of tighter budgets in a print media world competing with 24hr news outlets. A mistake but still somewhat understandable.

Now as our technology grows and sources to obtain information expands another problem arises with separating fact from fiction. Too many legitimate (although at times this word should be used loosely)news outlets are relying on getting their news from gossip sites, facebook and twitter. Have we abandoned the desire to have facts checked and truths be told? Just earlier there was a report of how Piers Morgan was fired from CNN, this was a falsehood.

Just as we demand truth in advertising, we need to demand truth from our news. Enough with informing me with what you think I want to hear, tell me the cold hard facts, believe me you don't need to tie it up with a pretty bow. I am a big girl now and I know I can handle it.

Quote of the day: "Nowadays truth is the greatest news"- Thomas Fuller

Thursday, July 28, 2011


It always amazes me as to how many "friends" I have on the internet. I thought it ridiculous that on Facebook I could have over 500 (including family). Are these people truly my friends? Then I started this blog and asked, nay, begged for people to follow me. Guess what those 500 plus whittled down to 14. 

To me that sounded more reasonable as to friends. I think sometimes the internet and technology has taken away the intimacy of human beings. People who used to call one another now send tweets, or hieroglyphed messages via text. These are not conversations and we are beginning to lose the art of communication. 

Which got me to thinking, has this lack of dialogue contributed to the mess in Congress? Is it possible that people have forgotten how to have a meaningful conversation, leading to the break down of a meeting of the minds so that we become stuck in the mire and muck? 

Granted, I may be exaggerating the reach of typing "smh" or "rofl" and even tweeting any celebrity or politician making some of us believe that we have reached them in some menial way, perhaps just enough to be noticed.

I believe a friend is someone who knows my number, knows my kids' names, has an idea of what kind of beast I am if you call me anytime before coffee or 9am (whichever comes first)! Friends are the ones with the well wishes when I am recovering from another exacerbation and know I constantly lose my cell phone so call the house!

Everyone else is an acquaintance, or even old friend from the past. I welcome them, you, whomever to become my friend by getting to KNOW me. 

Anyway it was just what I was thinking.

Today's quote: "A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they're not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they're not so bad."  ~Arnold H. Glasgow

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


You would think I would scowl when I say that, but it is so rewarding when you are doing what you LOVE! I don't notice the time ticking away, before I know it I have to stop. If I didn't have to worry about running my house, caring for my family I would stop only when I needed to refuel with some sleep.

Today I was busy doing some reviewing of what I had written, not editing, but reading over my notes and such. If there are any other authors reading my blog, please share with me how you feel when taking pen to paper of fingers to keys. Do you feel that your characters live in your mind, making it flow easily as if you over hear a conversation and simply write about your observations? I am curious.

At this rate I WILL complete my manuscript before the Fall. The prospect of finding a Literary Agent or Publisher will be my next task. I can only hope that it is not as difficult as I think it will be.  Either way I have already decided that this has been most fulfilling to my spirit and soul.

Quote for today: "The road leading to a goal does not separate you from the destination; it is essentially a part of it."  ~Charles DeLint

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Today I asked for prayers for a young man who goes to school with my daughter. He was one of the kids that suffered serious injuries in a bear mauling attack in Alaska. It got me to thinking about prayers. 

To me a prayer can merely be an affirming good thought from you to another. There is only good things that can come from sending out positive energy into the world. Perhaps we should collectively try to change the vibrations from bad to a more directive upward swing. 

Time may have moved forward, technology improved and dazzle us, yet still we have war, famine and strife. These things are as constant as the sun. This is just a thought, that tomorrow at 2pm EST everyone who is online stops for just 5 minutes and send out a prayer, a wish or an energy for good and see what happens. 

It's just a thought, what could it hurt? Wouldn't it be cool if something wonderful happened as a result? I know what I will be doing at 2pm, do you?

Today's mantra: "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference".  ~Winston Churchill

Monday, July 25, 2011


I was going to find an eloquent quote or some great prophetic thing to say, however I am healing from a minor MS exacerbation due to the heat. It sounds more dreadful than it actually is, although still not my shining moment. 

For those of you that do not know what MS is it is a disease that attacks the Central Nervous System; which means ANYTHING can go into hyper drive or no drive (if you know what I mean). I have had to deal with this monster  for the last ten years, and frankly I have gotten used to the pain, discomfort and random surprises that it may give me. One day I was able to run, walk and take a drive then "poof" it was gone. Sometimes I can see clearly, sometimes I go blind, (PS  it doesn't heighten my other  senses when I do). Still I go on; for my kids, my husband, my sister but mostly for myself.

I have never been the type of individual who accepted defeat or found that any obstacle was insurmountable. For me life is a like a book; some chapters are exciting and page turning, some make you pause and reflect. Then you have those chapters that make you hold your breath in anticipation for the outcome. Right now I am in the chapter where our heroine (me) has to prove herself and succeed. So I do.

I suppose this is why I write. It is also why in my blog, I talk about finding your passion, solace and keeping your spirit alive. You will never know when the universe will challenge you to prove yourself. Not to the world or others, but to yourself. 

Prepare to be amazed because you really don't know what you are made of until you are tested, at least that is what I learned.

I leave with these quotes, maybe they can sustain you when you are facing a challenge:
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty".-Sir Winston Churchill
"Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune, but great minds rise above them."-Washington Irving

Saturday, July 23, 2011


It is hard to speak about things joyfully when you know that tragedy has struck and effected many. Today Norway experienced their own Timothy McVeigh, a man who didn't care whose life he took as long as in his selfish thought he was going to make a point. Problem is the point wasn't made; children, women and men who all were innocent lost their lives to a man's unstable mind telling him do this. This was a sad and tragic day for Norway.

Then a few hours later,Amy Winehouse died, most likely to a drug overdose. She was 27, just a kid really. At 27 I was just beginning to know who I was going to become when I grew up. The  problem here is that we (and when I say we I mean the world), were unable to help a woman that we all watched self-destruct. My heart goes out to her parents, tragic for them  and her friends and fans.

Still not enough tragedy for the day, because everyday in Africa in the country of Somalia 10,000 people die, mostly babies and young children, from famine. Something as simple as food and Gatorade would make the difference but there is civil unrest and pirates that make getting supplies to those who need it impossible. This is tragic, for the government of Somalia, for the people of the world.

So when you are too hot, or you lose power and phone lines for a few days, those are inconveniences. The above mentioned, those are tragedies. Just some food for thought.

Today's quote: "One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon; instead of enjoying the roses blooming outside our windows today."-Dale Carnegie


In this incredible heat wave I find it somewhat difficult to focus. I suppose I could excuse it by saying thinking about staying cool required all the focus I had. Who would have thought that NY could reach temperatures in the 100's for three consecutive days! Still now that I have adjusted to the warmth of keeping a house at 80 degrees, I find myself back in front of my Mac so that I can regroup and write again.

I will say this, finding my passion has made it easier to come back to "work" because this is a labor of love.  I am excited as I create the scenes and know where it is I want to take my characters. The process to get them there is the hard part because I already know the beginning and the end. I just hope when it is completed you all are just as excited to read it.

So find some comfort and some cool in this heat, while I will sip on some lemonade and type away more pages. One thing I know for certain, I will persevere and I will be proud of what I have accomplished, not matter what the weather. Okay, so that was two things I know!

Today's quote and mantra: "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."-Walt Disney

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hallowed Hills

Perhaps tonight, due to the heat, I will not reflect on an enlightening "feeling", but speak on my work. I keep saying that I am writing a manuscript, yet no one knows what it is about. I don't want you to get the wrong idea and think I am writing a self help or self discovery book. What I am writing is fantasy fiction.

To clarify I am writing a novel series of four parts that involves witch covens, witch hunters and watchers of the covens. My story is set in a small New England town called Hallowed Hills. It was founded in the late 1600's by thirteen families that were fleeing the witch-hunt mania that had taken over Salem.

As time moved on; the town grew as most did. There is a small University that employs many in the village and life appears normal. The thing about Hallowed Hills is that somethings are not what they appear to be. Hallowed Hills is a town with secrets, some that are long buried since the founding of the town, some more recent. 

I begin my story with Jonah Mac Allister , a young man who has been living in Hallowed Hills since his parents died in a car accident when he was six years old. You will be introduced to his friends, Lucas Campbell, Astrid and Autumm Goodwynne and Raven Salome.  Raven is a young woman coming into her own when we first meet her and comes from a family of eccentrics. 

Just after graduation events in Jonah and Raven's lives will send them on a quest to find answers to a centuries old riddle. With the help of their friends and family they will discover their strengths and what their destiny holds for them.

I promise this will be a story worth reading, with some historical facts you may never have known before. Excitement abounds as the characters travel to find clues and pieces to the puzzle that is Hallowed Hills.

Thank you for taking the time to read this!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Truth or Dare

Tell the truth shame the devil. The truth will set you free. Only the truth hurts. There are many more sayings and expressions I can list regarding truth, but what is truth really? We all have our own truths. These truths are not always necessarily true, but stories that we have told ourselves so often that we believe them. My family is crazy. His sister hates me. Their neighbors are vindictive. Those people are thieves. Yet all or none of these statements may be an accurate portrayal. 
The truth is there is no truth! Truth may just be what we experience with a person and view them rather than listen to them and look beyond the surface.  It the becomes a question of perspective. Your family may be crazy and all need some Prozac and/or lithium, or it may just be that they all are dealing with a trauma and lashing at one another. Crazy may just be the pain that they are masking.
We all know how to put up our fences to protect ourselves from hurt, is it possible that these fence do not allow us to see over them and get a fair picture of one another? Now don't mistake what I am saying, this doesn't mean everyone is innocent and we need to go KUMBAYYA a few rounds and all will be right with the world. Some people have an ugly truth about them. What I tend to find is that these are the ones we take down the fences for and barricade them with us. We tell ourselves a different truth then. They will change. With me they are different. They were hurt before and are protecting themselves. These "truths" are just as bad for us as the other we try desperately to cling to.
Still there is an even uglier truth out there. It is the one we tell ourselves. The one that tells us that we aren't capable, we aren't good enough or that things will not get better and my personal favorite, we deserve this (whatever this may be) for some prior action. I am here to remind you that we all are guaranteed only one thing when we are born; and that is one day we will die. The in-between time, that is for you to LIVE! Live life to the fullest and find your destiny. Suck the marrow from the bone and shake off those unhealthy stories that run in your head and find your truth and the people who surround you truths. That means to change the tape that plays in your head and to listen with intent. This wisdom will help you live your best life and achieve those things you dare to reach for. I suggest you take some time to get to know you, your friends and relations before you start espousing theirs and your truth. Perhaps you haven't known the truth yet, maybe you have only known the lies.

Today's quote and mantra:"The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them."— Ralph Nichol


I am a very determined woman, always have been. A few facts first about me; when I was born the doctors said I would never walk, well that was proven untrue by the time I was 7 I was running everywhere. In 2002 after just one year in my townhouse I was diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis) and lost full use of my lower extremities, again I heard I won't walk because of the damage to my central nervous system. People told me to sell the townhouse move to a ranch, well I am still here and walk with canes. These are just a few highlights of my life till now, heck I almost died a few times, yet here I am, following my dream. I think it is my spirit that keeps me going. The human spirit is an unstoppable force when given the right motivation. I tell you all this because of something my mother said after reading her my blog earlier today.I was proud of what I had written and she told me it was eloquent but asked me one question; "Why?" 
"Why what?", I asked her. 
"Why are you sharing so much of yourself in a public forum?" 
I had to think about it. Why am I writing, especially when I don't know if my words are reaching anyone? I realized the answer tonight. I write this blog for many reasons. First when I announced my intentions to finish my manuscript it is a public declaration that I now have to keep. No excuses! Secondly, and I think equally as important, it is my hope that I inspire someone to follow a path they may have missed.
Remember when we were kids, we had dreams. Some followed them and some of us took a journey of convenience and practicality. Working at a job we hate because of the benefits and the pay. Choosing to stay with someone because the risk of seeking someone else seemed too arduous and scary a task. I am asking people to dare! No, not give up your job, but find a way to dream again and embrace that part of you that had lofty goals. Embrace the opportunity for chance and hope to cross your path and allow yourself to explore new avenues that may enhance your life. It will definitely give you a new perspective of yourself. Do this with determination that all obstacles can be over-come. It is how I start each day, it is what I can do, not what I can't. Start small, perhaps with a book you always wanted to read but never found the time. I am telling you to make the time and invest in yourself. Every time you exert an activity to benefit yourself it will strengthen your spirit and your soul. Allow yourself to fail so you can learn it doesn't have to be perfect, but you should try something new (or even something old that you put on the back burner). Life is an accumulation of our experiences, make yours count for you. 

"Life's a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!"- Auntie Mame

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New day, new start

Ever wish you could hit a do-over button? You know, press re-set and start a day over, or perhaps go back to one time where you turned left when you should have gone right? Everyone has that moment in their life they wish that they could take back something they said or did and start over. Here is the good thing about life, each morning you get a fresh start, not exactly a do-over but still it is a new day with new challenges. Those things we wish we could take back, they formed who you are today as an individual. 
Those mistakes were lessons, created to teach us something about ourselves. When you miss the lesson, it is taught again (and sometimes again and again for the stubborn lot). Appreciate these times that life makes you pause and drink in your choices or situation. No matter how small or big the lesson is, learn from it. This is better than a do-over, because you enriched your soul with some knowledge and wisdom.
I know, you are asking, "But what does this have to do with you and writing?" Answer, this is my "do-over"! Years ago I had an opportunity to follow my dream and write, but I had such doubt as to whether it would be good enough, was I good enough. Lacking confidence I abandoned what I had wanted to do since age 14 only to come back some thirty years later and just following through.
I have the confidence, although there are days I ask myself "will this be good enough?". When those moments come I dive deeper into my manuscript, knowing that even if a publisher rejects it or I don't get a literary agent, it is good enough for me! Hell it is P E R F E C T!
Be inspired, live inspired, find purpose and find passion. Most of all live your life and savor each moment and each life lesson. Remember there may not be a do-over, but there is always a new dawn!

Today's quote and mantra: "Never regret. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience."- Victoria Holt 

Monday, July 18, 2011

It was the best of times

it was the worst of times! I am quoting Dickens because the last 24hours have made this a memorable day. Not because the sun was out, nor was it for the Harry Potter IMAX Experience (I will tell you about that in a moment). No it is because I am going on 3 hours of sleep and frankly I left cranky (and annoyed) about 9 hours ago.
Remember how I told you I am slightly anal and that I love order and lists. Well I knew that we had tickets for Harry Potter for 2pm at IMAX! Wonderful right, time to chill and relax. To be able to get to the theater on time I know we have to get up early get the little one ready to go to the grandparents, makes sure the teen is ready when we are, and that the adults in the house are caffeinated. Decisions are made lists are drawn up. Then the phone rings! My neighbor is calling to ask if I had water coming from my faucets. I check and NADA! Go to the neighbor with control to the main and am told they have a leak. In one hour the water will be on. In the meantime, no water in the house. That means no bath-time, no showers, no bathroom what so ever! One hour becomes two, two becomes three and at three am I am still without water. Finally after complaining, calling emergency numbers etc water is back on. 
Morning comes and the water has sediment so we run it for a while, but due to no water last night all previous plans of showering the night before are scratched and we scramble to get going. Miracle we leave on time and get to the movie. Here we are told to wait in the handicap area since I am tired with the heat and lack of sleep my MS is acting up I am using my chair today. The three of us wait in the designated area for a long time; we are finally told we can enter. But wait, there is a catch! ONLY 1 person can come with me, the other has to wait on line. WHAT? You couldn't mention this when we got here and there was NO LINE? No exceptions the woman says so I go with my daughter. Now I have to wait, where another person tells me I can't reserve a seat for someone, the show is sold out and they need all my party present! WTF? You told me to leave my party OUTSIDE! Finally we are all together and all seated, the movie begins and the 3D that Hollywood is OBSESSED with is making me nauseous! Needless to say I saw the beginning, some of the middle and the end. 
Does the craziness end here? No I get home to get ready and rest where I wait for a friend to call who is in town so we can go out and catch up. I am still waiting for the call! 
I am going to bed and scratching this day off! It's over and I am still here! I knew I should have stayed home and just focused on my writing! 

My quote and mantra: "and this to shall pass" and "it is always darkest before the dawn"

Sunday, July 17, 2011


No, I am not referring to Casey Anthony, but me. Finally I am getting into "meat" of my manuscript, the touchstone of it all and when I am NOT writing I am thinking of it. The guilt is this, I feel as though I am abandoning my work. The twist; when I am entrenched in my work I feel guilty that I am ignoring and neglecting my family.
I don't know how other writers do it. Who would have thought my love of words would make me feel so torn! It is almost like choosing between your kids, an impossible feat for any sane loving parent. I know that eventually I will strike a balance.
In the meantime my little town of "Hallowed Hills" is beginning to have some excitement brewing. Raven and her friends are preparing to graduate high school. The friends will find themselves immersed in trouble soon enough while on vacation in Scotland while Jonah, well I can't tell you all of it. One I am still writing and 2 you will have to wait and BUY THE BOOK!
So tonight while you relax and enjoy another summer day remember I am still here. Dreaming up places, weaving words and dabbling in my own "magick". Soon enough it will be complete and then the arduous task of getting a publisher. Until then I will enjoy the ride of my characters and seeking balance.

Today's quote and mantra: "The calm and balanced mind is the strong and great mind; the hurried and agitated mind is the weak one."- Wallace D. Wattles

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Signs I am getting old

All this time I prided myself on being young of mind, you know that my mental age was still that of the younger me from post high school, pre-family and adult obligations. I am here to tell you as young as I may have thought I was, well my teenager let me know that shipped has sailed for me a long time ago.
This isn't a tragic occurrence for me, just a little jarring. I am proud of the almost 45years I have had the pleasure to grace this earth thus far, and look forward to 45 more at least. I have gained a wealth of wisdom, knowledge and experience. 
Still it was startling to have a teen explain to me the way teens think today as opposed to how my generation processed information and the expectations we had for one another. I talk to my teen to get a nod while creating my characters, since the lead characters are teens. Thankfully she has been a good reference to have allowing me to breathe life into Raven, Jonah, Astrid & Autumm, and Lucas. It has been an eyeopener to realize that things we took seriously then, the teens of today are rather blase about it.
Conclusion, I am 45, not 19 and I thank God for that! I may not think like a teen, and at times not relate, but who wants to when you have your own bag of tricks to grab ideas from? So keep dreaming, keep a young heart but most of all let wisdom be your guide as you follow your passion!

Today I leave you with two (2) quotes: "The years teach much which the days never knew."  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Youth is a wonderful thing.  What a crime to waste it on children."  ~George Bernard Shaw

Friday, July 15, 2011

Near perfect day

It was a nearly perfect day. I say nearly perfect because I do have kids and with them you don't ask for perfection you just hope for the best, especially if one is a teen.
However, the weather, PERFECT, my mind was focused and in tune to what I wanted to do. Set some goals and surprised myself when I was able to check things off of the list. More importantly I was finishing a chapter that at one time was giving me trouble. Now it is done and I am getting ready to get into the meat of my manuscript. 
I do not know how other authors create their work, I am just pleased to know that there are creative minds out in the world that love to weave words into places we can escape to with the turn of the page. I appreciate the finished product, but just as each work is unique I must imagine each process is too. I know me and I am (brace yourselves) an OCD type, very anal (insert joke here) about whatever I do. For Hallowed Hills I took an idea, outlined a story, created a storyboard, a character sheet and genealogy tree and researched. My 11th grade teacher Mrs. Lorraine Brooks would be proud. It was only after all this was done that I could begin to write the manuscript. Funny thing is I had no idea I would be so disciplined and dedicated while still caring for a household, raising two kids not to mention making sure dinner is on the table and laundry gets done. 
Today joy, I finished another chapter and realized as I closed the lid on my Mac that I was actually doing more than just writing a manuscript, I was following a passion. A passion that I thought age, time, work, kids and MS had sucked out of me. Well I was wrong (save the date I don't say that often), but I have never been happier to be this wrong about something.
So as I head to bed and leave these thoughts with you I have a question, what is your passion? Are you pursuing it? If not what is stopping you, trust me you will get no greater reward once you do!
Please leave comments, questions or words of encouragement as you read my blog, I want to know what you are thinking.

Today's quote and mantra: "Chance can allow you to accomplish a goal every once in a while, but consistent achievement happens only if you love what you are doing." - Bart Conner (Olympic Champion)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rules of engagement

One rule is to NOT be a day late and a dollar short like some people.  Yesterday a woman that had contacted me from a self-publishing warehouse sent me an email. Why am I telling you when I am not looking to be self publishing? 
Before you say anything let me tell you this, one never knows where encouragement will come from. Believe it or not she advised me to start a blog! Funny how I already did!
This just confirms for me that I am on the right path. So while I blog, tweet and status update when I can everyday and write as often as time allows I hope that you all start to gain some interest in my endeavor as I go for the brass ring!

This morning's quote and mantra:"Without dreams, there is no reality!" - Luis B. Couto 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Is there anyone out there?

Sometimes I wonder where in the vastness of the internet do these words and thoughts of mine go. Are they reaching anyone? Or do they drift like the space junk and just float around? You would think the lack of followers and comments would discourage me to keep up with a blog. Instead it's my manuscript that has so captivated me that I am grateful and happy to talk about it as well as my writing process. I suppose I am like a parent of a newborn child, I just delight in the story I am writing. I also hope that this encourages anyone who has a dream or inspiration of their own to take the initiative and follow through. Nothing ventured nothing gained. The gain so far for me are the words that flow from my mind through my finger tips across the keyboard onto a screen. It is gratifying in a way I cannot begin to explain.

Now remember a few days ago, I told you how I thought of looking into self-publishing? Well now I have my mailbox filled with solicitations from these companies to publish my book. Call me crazy, but I figure if I get nothing but rejections then and only then will I consider doing it myself. Fortunately, I have had good feedback from a few people (not related to me) that have read some chapters.

To keep this blog interesting comment and leave me questions! I appreciate the interaction. Ok, time to get back to the manuscript I hear it calling me!

Today's quote and mantra- “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm" -Ralph Waldo Emerson


I once heard that another author would find the time to write by waking up very early in the morning to spend some time writing out a few pages of her manuscript each day. Sounds great, but alas for me it isn't possible. My house begins buzzing at 5am; so no can do unless I wake up at 4am, and if any of you know me you know I am NOT a morning person. So here I am with the sounds of some jazz in my ears mixed in with the laundry and I begin to drift into my own world.

What is best about it is that this is a world that I created. Each character imparts a trait of those I have met in my travels in life, as well as myself. Perhaps it is why I am so vested in completing this journey. 

I look at my manuscript so far and sometimes I am astonished that these words and people (the characters) all came from my head and it all began with a moon, some music and a photo. Other times I beam proudly, just as I do when I see my children.

Inspiration can come from anything, you just have to slow down long enough to pay attention. 

So now, at 2:11am and I have knocked out another chapter. (clapping) and I take that as my cue to go to bed to wake up in a few hours to start my day again so that I may revisit my town, my characters and continue to take them on this adventure. 

Until then...goodnight to the interweb!

Quote:"Dream until your dreams come true!"


Frustration! That is what I am feeling tonight! All day I made the conscientious effort to sit down and write a few pages, work on my blog and tweet a few times. BUT NO! My kids had other ideas for me! I don't know how other authors with children do it, but this is why I tend to write late at night into the early morning hours! The house is asleep and I can put in my ear phones and listen to music and start to write.

I know some people have given me some about finding a quiet space, designate an area for writing and some have even suggested that I allocate time. All good advice for the average bear which I am not. I am a parent to a late teen and a toddler. The worst and the best of childhood development, so I get it from both ends of the spectrum and still can't decide which age is more frustrating.

My writing process also does not involve the stillness of quiet, but rather a mind that is racing with thoughts while listening to a soundtrack I make for my characters and the novel itself. Background noises.
So, here I at 10:15pm with a little one in bed and a teen preoccupied with something other than me and a partner playing video games and I can now breathe and write!

Today's mantra: "Success is focusing all the power of all you are on what you have a burning desire to achieve" -Wilfred Peterson.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Twas the best of times

Twas the worst of times! This begins a tale of two me's! I know that isn't a word but let's go with it shall we? To begin with I had little to no sleep last night! Why am I up now at 1:44am writing in my blog you wonder, because I made a commitment! By God I am going to hold onto this if it's the last thing I do!

Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of putting myself last on the list of things to do, which is probably why it has taken me so many years to sit and finally finish a story of these characters that have lived in my head for almost 2 decades. Being a wife and mother took precedent when I first started writing, then I got divorced and had to make a living and learn life as a single mom! Then I got diagnosed with MS so plans had to refocus again. Then new marriage and 2 a new baby at 41! Who knew my eggs were so fertile! Now she's not a baby, still a little one, but starting school in the fall so finally it's time for me! So here we are; you, me and my MacBookPro! Oh and this damn promise I made to myself! Not exactly a New Year's Resolution you can break on the 3rd of January, but a promise!

So back to the worst, no sleep, crankiness abounds! The saying "if Momma ain't happy ain't no one happy"; somehow I don't think my family got the memo! So after the morning rushing around we stop to look for a sneaker that my youngest insists that the fairies took(still haven't found it)! Needless to say things kept going wrong from there! As for the best; the weather was glorious and I was able to relax and breathe for a few minutes. Granted it wasn't until 11pm, still I got a break. So for now goodnight and tomorrow I may tell you about this book!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Should have called this one musings from the frustrated writer, but it seemed to long a title. This blog is truly going to be a concerted effort for me to keep up, if you really knew me you would know I do not enjoy keeping up with a daily journal. Even when I was younger, in high school I kept a diary for exactly two months before I started writing 2-3 lines every other month. So this should be real interesting. Granted there is an ulterior motive this time around.
  1. To help me consistently write and work out whatever difficulties I may have with a character or plot line.
  2. Get some exposure as a new novelist.
  3. Allow friends and family see why it is I have gone "Ghost" from Facebook for a while. Evidently my status changes are missed when I don't write a new one everyday, or I am told.
Today I know I should be writing and working on my novel and eventually I will but first let me go back to Facebook and announce that I am writing a blog. Maybe i can get some followers, then I can get back to the office and in the mindset to write.

My quote and mantra for today: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” -Aristotle

To self-publish or not to self-publish

Today that was the question. I am almost done and halfway through this process I became afraid and started asking myself, "What if it's not good enough?" "What if I am rejected from every possible publishing house?" In that fear I allowed myself to look at self publishing. Guess what? It costs a lot of $$$$ and in this economy with two kids and one and a half incomes, well let's just say crisis averted.

One good thing came out of it however, I realized that I was afraid and rather than focus on the what 'ifs' I am going to focus on the book at hand and just complete it and send it out to every publisher and literary agent. I know that it's well written (could use a proper edit I am sure) but really, I am proud of the characters I have developed. When I am ready, they will find a home and go on the road to becoming more than just a manuscript. Rather my manuscript will be a book in Barnes and Noble or Borders and will be downloaded on iPads and kindles, most of all, people will read what came out of my imagination.

Now like a young Natalie Wood once said in Miracle on 34th Street.."I believe,..I believe..!"