Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Today I asked for prayers for a young man who goes to school with my daughter. He was one of the kids that suffered serious injuries in a bear mauling attack in Alaska. It got me to thinking about prayers. 

To me a prayer can merely be an affirming good thought from you to another. There is only good things that can come from sending out positive energy into the world. Perhaps we should collectively try to change the vibrations from bad to a more directive upward swing. 

Time may have moved forward, technology improved and dazzle us, yet still we have war, famine and strife. These things are as constant as the sun. This is just a thought, that tomorrow at 2pm EST everyone who is online stops for just 5 minutes and send out a prayer, a wish or an energy for good and see what happens. 

It's just a thought, what could it hurt? Wouldn't it be cool if something wonderful happened as a result? I know what I will be doing at 2pm, do you?

Today's mantra: "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference".  ~Winston Churchill

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