Friday, July 15, 2011

Near perfect day

It was a nearly perfect day. I say nearly perfect because I do have kids and with them you don't ask for perfection you just hope for the best, especially if one is a teen.
However, the weather, PERFECT, my mind was focused and in tune to what I wanted to do. Set some goals and surprised myself when I was able to check things off of the list. More importantly I was finishing a chapter that at one time was giving me trouble. Now it is done and I am getting ready to get into the meat of my manuscript. 
I do not know how other authors create their work, I am just pleased to know that there are creative minds out in the world that love to weave words into places we can escape to with the turn of the page. I appreciate the finished product, but just as each work is unique I must imagine each process is too. I know me and I am (brace yourselves) an OCD type, very anal (insert joke here) about whatever I do. For Hallowed Hills I took an idea, outlined a story, created a storyboard, a character sheet and genealogy tree and researched. My 11th grade teacher Mrs. Lorraine Brooks would be proud. It was only after all this was done that I could begin to write the manuscript. Funny thing is I had no idea I would be so disciplined and dedicated while still caring for a household, raising two kids not to mention making sure dinner is on the table and laundry gets done. 
Today joy, I finished another chapter and realized as I closed the lid on my Mac that I was actually doing more than just writing a manuscript, I was following a passion. A passion that I thought age, time, work, kids and MS had sucked out of me. Well I was wrong (save the date I don't say that often), but I have never been happier to be this wrong about something.
So as I head to bed and leave these thoughts with you I have a question, what is your passion? Are you pursuing it? If not what is stopping you, trust me you will get no greater reward once you do!
Please leave comments, questions or words of encouragement as you read my blog, I want to know what you are thinking.

Today's quote and mantra: "Chance can allow you to accomplish a goal every once in a while, but consistent achievement happens only if you love what you are doing." - Bart Conner (Olympic Champion)

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