Frustration! That is what I am feeling tonight! All day I made the conscientious effort to sit down and write a few pages, work on my blog and tweet a few times. BUT NO! My kids had other ideas for me! I don't know how other authors with children do it, but this is why I tend to write late at night into the early morning hours! The house is asleep and I can put in my ear phones and listen to music and start to write.
I know some people have given me some about finding a quiet space, designate an area for writing and some have even suggested that I allocate time. All good advice for the average bear which I am not. I am a parent to a late teen and a toddler. The worst and the best of childhood development, so I get it from both ends of the spectrum and still can't decide which age is more frustrating.
My writing process also does not involve the stillness of quiet, but rather a mind that is racing with thoughts while listening to a soundtrack I make for my characters and the novel itself. Background noises.
So, here I at 10:15pm with a little one in bed and a teen preoccupied with something other than me and a partner playing video games and I can now breathe and write!
Today's mantra: "Success is focusing all the power of all you are on what you have a burning desire to achieve" -Wilfred Peterson.
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