I am a very determined woman, always have been. A few facts first about me; when I was born the doctors said I would never walk, well that was proven untrue by the time I was 7 I was running everywhere. In 2002 after just one year in my townhouse I was diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis) and lost full use of my lower extremities, again I heard I won't walk because of the damage to my central nervous system. People told me to sell the townhouse move to a ranch, well I am still here and walk with canes. These are just a few highlights of my life till now, heck I almost died a few times, yet here I am, following my dream. I think it is my spirit that keeps me going. The human spirit is an unstoppable force when given the right motivation. I tell you all this because of something my mother said after reading her my blog earlier today.I was proud of what I had written and she told me it was eloquent but asked me one question; "Why?"
"Why what?", I asked her.
"Why are you sharing so much of yourself in a public forum?"
I had to think about it. Why am I writing, especially when I don't know if my words are reaching anyone? I realized the answer tonight. I write this blog for many reasons. First when I announced my intentions to finish my manuscript it is a public declaration that I now have to keep. No excuses! Secondly, and I think equally as important, it is my hope that I inspire someone to follow a path they may have missed.
Remember when we were kids, we had dreams. Some followed them and some of us took a journey of convenience and practicality. Working at a job we hate because of the benefits and the pay. Choosing to stay with someone because the risk of seeking someone else seemed too arduous and scary a task. I am asking people to dare! No, not give up your job, but find a way to dream again and embrace that part of you that had lofty goals. Embrace the opportunity for chance and hope to cross your path and allow yourself to explore new avenues that may enhance your life. It will definitely give you a new perspective of yourself. Do this with determination that all obstacles can be over-come. It is how I start each day, it is what I can do, not what I can't. Start small, perhaps with a book you always wanted to read but never found the time. I am telling you to make the time and invest in yourself. Every time you exert an activity to benefit yourself it will strengthen your spirit and your soul. Allow yourself to fail so you can learn it doesn't have to be perfect, but you should try something new (or even something old that you put on the back burner). Life is an accumulation of our experiences, make yours count for you.
"Life's a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!"- Auntie Mame
This quote ties in very beautifully with what you have written. I appreciate you taking your time out to write such 'inspiring' words of wisdom. Thank you so very much.