Should have called this one musings from the frustrated writer, but it seemed to long a title. This blog is truly going to be a concerted effort for me to keep up, if you really knew me you would know I do not enjoy keeping up with a daily journal. Even when I was younger, in high school I kept a diary for exactly two months before I started writing 2-3 lines every other month. So this should be real interesting. Granted there is an ulterior motive this time around.
- To help me consistently write and work out whatever difficulties I may have with a character or plot line.
- Get some exposure as a new novelist.
- Allow friends and family see why it is I have gone "Ghost" from Facebook for a while. Evidently my status changes are missed when I don't write a new one everyday, or I am told.
Today I know I should be writing and working on my novel and eventually I will but first let me go back to Facebook and announce that I am writing a blog. Maybe i can get some followers, then I can get back to the office and in the mindset to write.
My quote and mantra for today: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” -Aristotle
Hi Christine. After completing a PhD thesis, I can tell you from my experience that writing a blog did not help me. The only thing that helped me was the following routine: researching what I wanted to write about on a particular day for about 2 hours, then going somewhere quiet like the library, turning off wireless completely, and forming my research notes into something coherent. Better yet, turn your phone on vibrate (for emergencies), turn off all text notifications, and go somewhere you have no wireless access at all! YMMV, but Good Luck!
ReplyDeleteWell let me tell reaching out does nothing but makes you think more.. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND LEARN TO SEARCH WITHIN.. I will follow and good luck!