Friday, July 29, 2011


Back when I was learning about journalism, there was an acronym that according to the professor any journalist "worth his salt" will do his best to adhere to. It stood for F.ast A.ccurate C.orrect and T.rue! Sounds so simple but, as I have grown up I am finding fewer and fewer in the media (whether they are Right or Left), making a practice of this. 

First, there were a few journalist who took on fabricating their stories, we all seemed shocked and some even offended that the papers didn't fact check any of these stories until long after they were published. To me this was just the inevitable result of tighter budgets in a print media world competing with 24hr news outlets. A mistake but still somewhat understandable.

Now as our technology grows and sources to obtain information expands another problem arises with separating fact from fiction. Too many legitimate (although at times this word should be used loosely)news outlets are relying on getting their news from gossip sites, facebook and twitter. Have we abandoned the desire to have facts checked and truths be told? Just earlier there was a report of how Piers Morgan was fired from CNN, this was a falsehood.

Just as we demand truth in advertising, we need to demand truth from our news. Enough with informing me with what you think I want to hear, tell me the cold hard facts, believe me you don't need to tie it up with a pretty bow. I am a big girl now and I know I can handle it.

Quote of the day: "Nowadays truth is the greatest news"- Thomas Fuller

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