Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Truth or Dare

Tell the truth shame the devil. The truth will set you free. Only the truth hurts. There are many more sayings and expressions I can list regarding truth, but what is truth really? We all have our own truths. These truths are not always necessarily true, but stories that we have told ourselves so often that we believe them. My family is crazy. His sister hates me. Their neighbors are vindictive. Those people are thieves. Yet all or none of these statements may be an accurate portrayal. 
The truth is there is no truth! Truth may just be what we experience with a person and view them rather than listen to them and look beyond the surface.  It the becomes a question of perspective. Your family may be crazy and all need some Prozac and/or lithium, or it may just be that they all are dealing with a trauma and lashing at one another. Crazy may just be the pain that they are masking.
We all know how to put up our fences to protect ourselves from hurt, is it possible that these fence do not allow us to see over them and get a fair picture of one another? Now don't mistake what I am saying, this doesn't mean everyone is innocent and we need to go KUMBAYYA a few rounds and all will be right with the world. Some people have an ugly truth about them. What I tend to find is that these are the ones we take down the fences for and barricade them with us. We tell ourselves a different truth then. They will change. With me they are different. They were hurt before and are protecting themselves. These "truths" are just as bad for us as the other we try desperately to cling to.
Still there is an even uglier truth out there. It is the one we tell ourselves. The one that tells us that we aren't capable, we aren't good enough or that things will not get better and my personal favorite, we deserve this (whatever this may be) for some prior action. I am here to remind you that we all are guaranteed only one thing when we are born; and that is one day we will die. The in-between time, that is for you to LIVE! Live life to the fullest and find your destiny. Suck the marrow from the bone and shake off those unhealthy stories that run in your head and find your truth and the people who surround you truths. That means to change the tape that plays in your head and to listen with intent. This wisdom will help you live your best life and achieve those things you dare to reach for. I suggest you take some time to get to know you, your friends and relations before you start espousing theirs and your truth. Perhaps you haven't known the truth yet, maybe you have only known the lies.

Today's quote and mantra:"The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them."— Ralph Nichol

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